A new game of chance! This building is unlocked at Castle Level 21 and is available after defeating Skirmish 8. Is it here to stay or just visiting? Will the map offer different rewards each week? Dunno. But you can play it right now. It's a very simple concept. Here's the gist: Getting Luck Tokens • Purchase them from the Gem Store • Get one free roll each day - it resets at your personal reset time (the same time as Helps and Colosseum entries) • Purchase them with real world currency from Mall Packs Map Tiles Some of the map tiles are rewards. Some are dice that move you forward. Some give you a free roll. Some are Gemming Gremlin Encounters. Rewards There are several types of rewards and some are more common than others. On this map, there are lots of Familiar rewards. Voodoo Shaman Chests, Common Stuffed Dolls, EXP Elixir, EXP Potion, Fragments, Ancient Cores, Chaos Cores, Anima, and Merging Speed Ups. But there are also other rewards. Resources,...