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Skirmishes are areas of your Turf where you can defeat a hero and troops in order gain land. Each Skirmish area is used to build specific types of buildings.

Skirmish 1 (Tutorial)

Special: Hero Stages Revealed (Locked)
Note: Build one of each Resource type

Skirmish 2

• Unlocks Hero Stages
• Colosseum Revealed (Locked until Castle 10)
• Cargo Ship Revealed (Locked until Castle 13)
• Build the Academy first so you can begin researching right away
• Battle Hall - requires Embassy of same level and War Tomes
• Prison - requires Manor of same level and Steel Cuffs

Skirmish 3

Note: You need to build at least one Manor to continue upgrading your castle.

Skirmish 4

Note: It is recommended to only have one farm. Since you have that farm in Blithia, only build Lumber Mills, Quarries, and Mines here.

Skirmish 5

Skirmish 6

Note: It is recommended to only have one farm. Since you have that farm in Blithia, only build Lumber Mills, Quarries, and Mines here.

Skirmish 7

Skirmish 8

Note: Altar - requires Prison 17 to start building and Soul Crystals
Labyrinth Revealed
• Monsterhold Revealed
• Treasure Trove Revealed (Locked Until Castle 17)

© Tormund ᵃᵏᵃ Ꭲ


  1. How to clear easily skirmish 8 ?

    1. *Easily*? Wait until you have about 8k T3 Inf, Rng, and Cav with about 1k Siege. But I don't recommend that. Waiting until C17 to unlock the Labyrinth and Familiars can set you behind.

      Moderately easy? Wait until you have about 12k T2 Inf, Rng, and Cav with about 1.5k Siege and you're at about C9 or C10.

      Achievable? Build a crap ton of T1s (mostly cavalry) and sacrifice them to the Skirmish gods. Send as many troops as your castle limit allows. Start with a Cav/Siege combo. Once the wall is down, send only Cavs until the Infantry is gone. Then send Cavs and Ranged until the Cavs are gone. Tidy up with Infantry to finish off the Ranged. It's messy, time consuming, and a huge waste of troops, but you can clear Skirmish 8 when you're still C5. I've done it this way twice.

      Remember, the Skirmishes don't reset like a Darknest. You can chip away at them a little bit at a time. If you don't make it in the first try, you'll have less troops to deal with on subsequent tries. Don't forget to heal your Infirmary between tries!


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