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Hunting Heros

(I am aware these need updating. I am in the process of testing. Thank you for your patience!)


  1. Cc si possible mettre le reste de monstres manquants merci et bravo pour tt c notes tres utiles ;-)

  2. I wish you luck and encouragement with this guide! I'd try to do similar, or help you, but my heroes have all sorts of different levels, grades, ranks and gearing which presents too many variables for me to deal with. I've been looking around for best teams for each monster including the P2W ones but it has been hard to find thorough information.

    1. Yes, it is difficult to find thorough information. I absolutely agree. It varies so much depending on all sorts of factors.

  3. You are missing Jade Wyrm

  4. honestly I don`t understand this.. 9 heroes ?? doesn't really show the hero line up but a bunch of heroes and to choose... and we may not use the right team ( with the highest damage)


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