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Army Capacity vs Army Size vs Army Limit

What is the difference between Army Capacity, Army Size, and Army Limit? They all sound kind of similar, but what do they actually mean and how do you increase them?

Army Capacity
Army Capacity is the amount of resources a troop can carry. You can increase it with talents, research, and gear.This statistic is only about carrying resources, but it is applicable for all situations where you would carry them. So if you're gathering from a tile or raiding a castle, increasing this number will mean you can use less troops to carry the same amount of resources.

Increasing Army Capacity

Army Size
Army Size is the number of soldiers you can add to your army. The number of troops you can send is determined by your castle level, plus the command of any heroes sent with that army. You can increase this with Castle Level and Hero Rank. You can also temporarily boost it by using a Max Army Size Turf Boost.

Army Limit
Army Limit is the number of different groups of troops you can deploy from your castle at one time. You can increase it with Castle Level (see above, column 4) and Research.

Bigger Army I
Upgrade Military
Current Army Limit +1

Bigger Army II
Upgrade Military
Current Army Limit +1

Bigger Army III
Army Leadership
Current Army Limit +1

© Tormund ᵃᵏᵃ Ꭲ


  1. Thank you for your detail explanation :))

  2. Thanks for the explanation i was strugeling to understand what s the use of army capacity gear ...


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