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Troop Training FAQs

How many, what kind, and why.

⋆ How many of each building type should I have?
• Barracks - I wouldn't recommend getting too carried away with building barracks. Have enough in order to ALWAYS have troops training, however that fits into your schedule. Generally no more than 3. Eventually you're only going to want 1.
• Manors - if you're just starting out, I would say 4-5. Manors increase training speed, which is very valuable when you don't have many troops.
• Infirmaries - as many as possible. Infirmaries are important because healing troops is a fraction of the cost. Have the minimum of barracks and manors that function for you and then fill every other available space with Infirmaries.

⋆ How many should I train?
• Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry: minimum of max march for each type
• Seige: 10% to 20% of max march
• After that, pick one or two troop types and train them constantly. ALWAYS have troops training.

⋆ What is "Maximum March"?
• Max march is max army size (click castle) plus the hero command boost (under hero battle skills) for the number of heros you can send (click castle, click i).
• Easy way to find it: click rally on a Darknest. Assign heros. Use the number you can send.

⋆ Can you give me an example?
This castle is C14. My max army size is 56k. I can send 4 heros with this size castle. My 4 best heros are Rank 4 and can command 1,440 each. My maximum march is 61,760.

So, I keep at least 62k on hand of each main troop type and about 7k of siege. Then once that min is reached, I pick one or two troop types to specialize in and only build those troop types. If I get perms in the other types, upgrade my castle, or upgrade my heros, I rebuild to max march before continuing training my specialized troops.

⋆ Why?
It's good to have all troop types on hand for situations you need counters for, like DNs and enemy rallies. But it's also good to specialize in one troop type so you can max your gear, talents, and research in that one type for ultimate impact.

⋆ Which Tiers?
Your choice, but I only keep T1s and T3s on hand. Once I unlock T3s, I do not replace the T2s ever and only replace the T1s once I've got a full march of each T3 type. Some do T2s instead of T1s.

⋆ What about Siege?
Do not train siege evenly with they other troop types. They are only to take down walls and you don't need many. In fact, later on in the game you're rarely going to even use siege.

⋆ How can I train troops faster?
You can boost training speed using Manors, talents, research, and turf boosts.

Don't do any of this if you're building a trap. That's a whole different ball game.

© Tormund ᵃᵏᵃ Ꭲ


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