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Talents are something you switch around often. You will go through many talent resets. Researching Innate Talent is very helpful for this.

When Talents are Active
• If your leader is captured, none of your talents are active.
• Talents that increase speed or production are always active (unless he's in someone's prison).
• Talents that effect war statics (offense, health, and defense) are only active when your leader is engaged in battle. If you do not send your leader, the talents are not active.

Assigning Talents
Only put the fewest talent points into the talents you aren't maxing out. On both sides, the beginning has a lower minimum. It's 3 for the war side and 2 for the economy side. Then it increases to 5 on both sides. Never assign more than 5 unless you're focusing on it.

For talents with multiple levels, start filling them at the bottom. For example, if you're assigning talents with the intent on using your Ranged troops, assign as many talents as possible to Ranged Offense III first, then Ranged Offense II, and lastly Ranged Offense I.

These will probably be your first two talent sets:
Passive: These would be your administrative talents: Training, Construction, Research, and resources. When you're idle and your leader is safe in the shelter, you don't need any war talents. Remember, if your leader is not engaged, the talents are not effective. So even if you're attacked, if your leader is in the shelter, any war talents will not be active. They should be set with max construction (until you're fully built), max research, max troop training, and the rest into only one type of resource (not food). Match all extra resource buildings to that type.

General War: For war, they should be set with all of them on the opposite side of food under Squad Offense I. If you're on the defense (someone is attacking you), you'll usually want a mix. If you're attacking, single troop blasts are usually most effective. Put all of them into the type of troop you specialize in under offense. Then either health or the offense of a second strong troop type. Fill defense last regardless of if you're being attacked or are attacking.

After that you will probably redefine War and set up several different ones. Like one for each of the troop types and a mixed set. You might also separate out you're training/construction/research set to include trap building and then make a different set for your hyper resources. Maybe you'll make a set for gathering for KvK too.

What are the Talents?
• Squad: ATK, HP, and DEF
• Troop Specific: Infantry ATK, Ranged ATK, Cavalry ATK, and Siege ATK
• Traps: Trap ATK
• Speed: Training, Research, Construction, and Trap Building
• Resources: Food, Stone, Timber, Ore, and Gold
• Other: Gathering and Army Capacity

© Tormund ᵃᵏᵃ Ꭲ


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